From a very early age children love ‘reading’ books, listening to stories and participating in poems and rhymes. Research has shown that children who have been encouraged to participate in ‘reading’ books from an early age have a greater understanding of how words are formed and become fluent readers and skilled writers. As an adult caring for a child, it is important to ensure that young children are given the opportunity to experience different reading materials, poems and rhymes. The aim of thistopic is to increase learners’ knowledge of resources and materials that may be offered to children aged between 0–5 years. You will build up your own repertoire of appropriate books, stories, poems and rhymes and will be given the opportunity to read out loud and tell stories, poems and rhymes. In addition you will be encouraged to use different vocal expressions, intonation and non-verbal communication to maintain the interest of the children. Learners will also find out what children will learn from participating in poetry and storytelling sessions. Although you are not expected to have an in-depth knowledge of child development you should understand that children can enjoy spending time with an adult whilst listening to stories, have fun reciting poems and rhymes, learn to respect books and how to turn pages, etc.
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